22 MAY 1933
Bishop Arthur T. McKell, presiding
Choir – “O My Father”
Opening prayer, John F. Warner (which follows)
Our Father who art in Heaven. We have assembled together this afternoon to pay a tribute of respect to one of Thy daughters whom Thou hast seen fit to call home. We are thankful for the privilege we have had of associating with this our sister and for the wonderful traits of character which she possessed.
We are thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which gives us the hope that we shall meet our loved ones again when we have finished our mission in this life. We are thankful for these things. We ask Thee to bless us at this time. Bless this family that are called to mourn at this time. Bless the husband of this good woman and the sons and daughters who have been raised on our community and are a credit and blessing to this community. Bless those who may speak that they may have words given unto them to say that will comfort the hearts of those who mourn and may have power to say the things that should be said at this time.
Bless those that sing that they may have inspiration to comfort those who are called to mourn. Bless us all at this time and help us to keep Thy commandments in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Solo – “The House at the End of the Lane”
By Gilbert Y. Johnson
Accompanied by Hazel Larson
The House by the Side of the Road
There are hermit souls that live withdrawn,
In the peace of their self-content;
There are souls, like stars, that dwell apart,
In a fellowless firmament;
There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths
Where the highways never ran;
But let me live by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.
Let me live in a house by the side of the road,
Where the race of men go by –
The men who are good and the men who are bad,
As good and as bad as I,
I would not sit in the scorner’s seat,
Or hurl the by the cynic’s ban;
Let me live in a house by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.
I see from my house by the side of the road,
By the side of the highway of life,
The men who press with the ardor of hope,
The men who are faint with the strife,
But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tears –
Both parts of the infinite plan;
Let me live in my house by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.
I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead
And mountains of wearisome height;
That the road passes on through the long afternoon
And stretches away to the night.
But still I rejoice when the travelers rejoice,
And weep with the strangers that moan,
Nor live in my house by the side of the road
Like a man who dwells alone.
Let me live in my house by the side of the road
Where the race of men go by –
They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong,
Wise, foolish – so am I.
Then why should I sit in the scorner’s seat,
Or hurk (?) the cynic’s ban?
Let me live in my house by the side of the road
And be a friend of man.
By Sam Walter Fess
Courtesy of Lothrop, Lee and Shepherd Co.
My Brothers and Sisters, I hope that I may be in possession of the Holy Spirit of God that I may be led to say words of comfort to those who are called upon to mourn this day. I am very pleased to see so many assembled themselves together to pay respect to one of the daughters of God. One who has fulfilled her mission and has performed a great mission.
She has kept the first commandment that God gave to men here upon the earth, that they should multiply and replenish the earth. My Brethren and Sisters in my Danish Bible it says, They shall multiply and fill the earth. Thus far our sister has complied with the requirements. She has raised a family that she can be proud of and that the community can be proud of having them living among us. They are an honor and respect to any community wherever they may reside.
She came from a family that was firm in keeping the commandments of God. They were one of the early settlers. They were among the early members of the Church in their native land of Wales and so were determined and showed by their works that they were determined to gather with the saints of God in the valleys of the mountains where it was commanded that they should gather in the beginning. I find in he church record that they left their native home under the direction of Captain Dan Jones and left there on the 19th day of April 1856 and landed in Boston on the 23rd day of May and went on to Iowa City where they stopped to prepare to cross the plains with handcarts. They started across the plains with determination to go to Utah where they had been commanded to gather with the saints where they could raise their families by the spirit of the Lord. They started across the plains on the 23rd of June and landed in Salt Lake City on the 1st or 2nd of October. I remember reading that it took the Welsh company 94 days while it took the other company 111 days and the next company 109 days and the Welsh company 94 days. When they came to this valley, it was a barren desert and it was all they could do to get along in a time when provisions were very scarce. It was at the time when the grass hoppers and crickets destroyed the crops, but they were steadfast and firm and they truly did subdue this part of the country.
I remember when Spanish Fork was divided into four wards. I was called to be Bishop of the Third Ward. I want to tell you how I was assisted by the Davis Family. I knew nothing of the organization of the ward and Brother and Sister Davis helped me and the young people supported me in every way and I always had respect for them and this, our sister wherever I met her she met me with a smile and seemed pleased to see me.
The Savior in His Sermon on the Mount said, “Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted,” and I want to bear testimony to you that that is true. One of the ancients of the Gospel said, “Blessed are they that die in the Lord from now and hence forth for they shall rest from their labors and their work shall follow them.” The wife and mother of this family has gone to the other side and it has been promised that the work she has performed which has been good shall follow her, and go to the other side. One writer on one occasion said it is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of peace, like on this occasion our thoughts are centered on the promises that have been made to those that keep the commandments of God and we feel better than we do in a house of rejoicing.
I don’t desire to speak much longer. My voice gives way with me. I pray the blessings of God to rest upon the family of Brother Joseph J. Evans and that the spirit of God may encourage them to go forth and perform their mission here upon the earth and I want to say to the children of Brother Evans, I have said it in funerals before, the Savior said man must not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. That is the way it is now with your father. He doesn’t live by bread alone but by every kind and loving word that falls from the lips of his children. Therefore, encourage him and help him. This is a sad trial for him. May God bless you all my brothers and sisters. I say in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Solo – “Out of the Dust to You”
By Effie Blackwood
Accompanied by Blanche Nelson
My brothers and sisters I feel honored this afternoon in being asked to say a few words at the funeral services of one of my neighbors from childhood. I pray that I may be blessed by the spirit of the Lord that I may be able to say something that will be comforting to this splendid family and husband and brother and sisters who are bowed down in grief today. I am sure after listening to the splendid tribute that was paid by Brother Larson it brought comfort to this family.
I remember Sister Evans when I attended school at the little brick school house opposite their home. I remember how we used to run to the neighbors for drinks and how we used to go through and bother Sister Evans and during that time I remember that smile and splendid way she had with her. “People liked her, not because she was rich or known to fame; she had never won applause as a star in any game. Hers was not a brilliant style, hers was not a forceful way, but she had a gentle smile and a kindly word to say.” I am sure the boys and girls who attended school at that school house and her neighbors shall always remember this good woman. I don’t believe there was a person living if they would give her half a chance but whom she would meet with a smile and make them feel at peace and to me that is a splendid trait to possess.
Well might these boys and girls say they had a wonderful mother. She was a good helpmate to Brother Joseph J. Evans. She understood him and made him a good wife and a splendid mother and a noble and true Latter-day Saint. Brother Evans and his wife have worked shoulder to shoulder that they may rear their family. Sister Evans was the mother of 12 children, 5 boys and 7 girls, what a wonderful legacy what a blessing to the human family. She has been given the greatest title given to woman that of mother. I know that this family will miss this mother. There will be a vacant chair, but I am sure that love and affection will reside there as before in the home and upon the family.
I want to say in your presence it has seldom been my privilege to witness more love and home feeling than I have witnessed in the lives of these splendid girls to those of you that did not know them you cannot appreciate that fine feeling of love that they had for their mother and she had for her family and her husband. I worked upon the road with Brother Evans and used to call for him and his wife would say, “Now Joe you be careful you know how you work. Now Henry you watch Joe he works too hard.” I know that Brother Evans appreciated this good woman the mother of this family. There is nothing in the world like the love and advice of a mother. We in our young days are sometimes careless but I venture to say that sometime in our life come to us the counsel and advice of our mother.
I know when we used to go into their lot as children used to do sometimes, Sister Evans would be kind to us instead of chiding us. Brother Evans said to me, “We had two red askertrian apple trees and one bore one year and the other the next and the children would run to get the apples and mother would say let the kids have them. Can we help but to honor and respect her? This splendid house of neighbors and friends who have come to pay respect to this family I am sure are appreciative of this family. We say to Brother Evans and to these boys and girls that this is not the end but we shall see her again. We can say with Paul of old, “If in this life alone we have not hope we are of all men the most miserable.” We do know that there is a Springtime again and that we shall meet our loved ones and shall know them and appreciate them better there than here. And we shall see as we are seen and know as we are known, and when that time comes what a wonderful reunion it will be.
I am thankful for the testimony I have. I am thankful for the work and labor of this splendid woman. I remember as I used to labor as a Deacon and I remember the encouragement she gave me when I was asked to labor as the Bishop of the Second Ward, and the words she said to me when I was put in President of the Stake, “Henry I am tickled to death. I know the Lord will bless you and have every good wish for you.” These are the times when we appreciate our friends and neighbors, but I do want to say that the testimony of this good woman and her faith will carry on in the lives of these boys and girls and I am sure the testimony that she has borne to the will be a balm of Gilead to them and encourage them onward and shall be as it were a rock to stand on steady in the time of trial. The poem “A man is no bigger than he is measured his fellow man” is true in the life of this good woman and I am sure she shall receive the celestial glory. Jesus did for us that which we could not do for ourselves and made it possible whereby we will all be raised from the dead and gain a celestial kingdom of our Father in Heaven.
This good woman came from a splendid family. The father of Brother Joseph Evans was a wonderful man. He was a stalwart citizen of the country and a faithful member of the church. May the Lord bless the memory of those days come back to him to bless and encourage him and be a blessing to him and to these boys and girls that they may follow in her footsteps. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Solo – “Love Divine”
By Ed. Williams
Accompanied by Hazel Larson
My brethren and sisters I trust that I may be strengthened to occupy this position for a few minutes. Occasions of this kind take me back to my young manhood days. It seems that in recent years it has fallen to my lot to speak in the funeral services of many of my young companions that have gone to the other side. Lest I forget I would like to say on this occasion that while viewing the remains of Sister Evans yesterday the thought that came to me was this. I thank the Lord that the power is in man to return the appearance and beauties of youth as was done in this case.
Coming from the same race, the same people, the same land and under very similar conditions of life, I think it would be not improper that I should state a few words upon the David Davis family and the Thomas Evans family. I have no desire to bring my own people into this little talk this afternoon but it is necessary for me to refer to my father that I may say this thing that I wish to say with reference to Brother David T. Davis. I remember him well but I didn’t know him as well as my father knew him. One expression that my father made to me with reference to Brother Davis I shall not soon forget. I think Brother Davis was a man highly respected by his Welsh friends. In fact, by all his friends, but naturally more acquainted with those of his own people. My father said to me on one occasion “This is the man that we speak of as being a man without guile.” It is only an expression but it carries with it a sermon and many a testimony of an individual. My own remembrance of Brother Davis was that he was a man of a definite personality. He had a well ringing voice different from anybody else but conveying the thought that this was an honest man. He lived out his life among his people and performed his tasks well and has gone to his reward and his work will follow him. His good wife I have no doubt was equal in every respect and took her part just as much as Brother Davis did.
Brother Thomas D. Evans came to America as stated by Brother Larson, came on the same ship, met the same hardships and met all the conditions of the new world as a young man that several other Welsh families did and it was through my father’s acquaintance with him that I have learned many things about him. He was true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to the new government of which they became a part of and as loyal to it as to their friends in the British government. And Brother Evans manifested the courage and strength physically of a giant. As stated by Brother Larson he walked from Iowa to Salt Lake City. He was deprived of one leg-- had a wooden leg, but he never failed to perform his part of the work.
Joseph J. Evans, I called him Joe. I never called him Joseph. He called me Dave. I do not remember that he ever called me David. It is with no disrespect that I called him Joe, and I would wonder what was the matter if he called me David. Like his father he is a courageous man. He has his imperfections like I have mine, but he is a man of courage and skill. He is a constructing engineer without the book learning and none his superior and very few his equal in his chosen work. Bishop McKell, our former Bishop McKell said to me in reference to Brother Evans, he said go and get Joe Evans, he said, “There is no night so dark nor no storm so severe but what Joe Evans will come.” Those are the words that Bishop McKell said of Joseph Evans, and they mean a lot. It is a testimony of the integrity of Joseph Evans, and I bear the same testimony. I have known him and watched him all through life. I would trust him under all conditions. He would never betray me. I hope I could render him a helpful hand as I know he would render me in trying circumstances.
His wife bore her share of the burden and performed her part of the tasks as he, certainly they differed in disposition as God has desired that all people differ; but faithful and loyal living true to these traits in her character and those with whom she associated with. Her children speak of her as a kind and loving mother when they tell you of their love and devotion to their mother. How different the death of Sister Evans would be without the loving hands of her children doing for her in every possible way. As they have been loyal and faithful and true to her so will their children be loyal and faithful and true to them. Now just one moment a tribute to mother applied to all mothers –
She took God’s hand and walked through the valley of shadows that I might have life.
She bathed me when I was helpless.
She clothed me when I was naked.
She rocked me to sleep when I was worried.
She fed me when I was hungry.
She provided me a pillow softer than down, and sang to me in the voice of an Angel.
She held my hand when I learned to walk and nursed me when sick.
She suffered with me in sorrow and laughed with me when joyful.
When I knelt beside her she taught me to pray.
She was loyal when others failed.
She was my friend when others were gone.
She prayed for me in all the days of sadness and sunshine.
She loved me when I was unlovely and led me to the highway of life and bed me walk therein.
God bless man’s greatest friend – Mother – although she has passed to her reward.
She is still our mother.
I pray my respects to this family and thank them for the opportunity of expressing my friendship to them and hope that it may continue forever. Amen.
Solo – “That Wonderful Mother of Mine”
By Gladys Williams
Accompanied by Hazel Larson
My brothers and sisters, I have been so impressed by the remarks made this afternoon and by the services thus far, that it is going to be hard for me to say anything unless I have the assistance of the spirit of the Lord to help me. Upon occasions of this kind, our hearts are drawn out and I think a greater degree of that spirit of love comes to us and we feel better for having been here.
The things that have impressed me this afternoon are the wonderful tributes of respect and honor which have been given to my cousin and uncle and aunt. I thank God I have these relatives. I also feel this afternoon that the mother of Margaret Evans, and my mother left their homes in Wales and walked across the plains and sometime I have thought was it called for? But it has come to me in the splendid tribute that has been paid to Margaret Evans and Joseph Evans this afternoon that their sacrifice was not in vain.
Somewhere I learned early in life this poetry, “How Dear to my Heart are the Scenes of my childhood. I come to you where my childhood life was spent, some of the happiest days of my life. We went to school together, George H. Brimhall’s school, and we had that springtime of life and now I come back to Spanish Fork 51 years afterward. Some of my friends are grandfathers and I have to study who they are, but I think of those times, those happy times. I remember the Williams boys and many of the girls.
I have had the honor of being Bishop for 18 years. When we get to the other side it will not be asked of us what position we have held here on earth. I believe that will not be stated in the yonder kingdom, but the question asked by the Master will be, Did you have charity? And if I can answer that question I think all will be well.
I remember cousin Maggie when she was a girl and I remember well when Joseph Evans commenced associating with her. I remember of the work of Brother Davis and Aunt Mary and of sister Maggie. When I received the word Sister Maggie was dead, the answer I gave the message was, I am coming. I think of this life work she has performed so beautifully and the testimonies born here. It is commencement day for her today. You know in our school days we work and study and there comes a commencement day when our books are laid aside and we are going to be tested and today sister Maggie’s commencement day her school work on earth is finished. I want to say to Brother Joe that his commencement day will come just as hers. As I have visited with him he has told me of his splendid wife and of his love for her and I thought what a blessing for Brother Joe.
This is not the end we are living in a time of the world when it is not guess work. You and I have been born in the day when God has spoken from the heavens and has established his Church. There is no question any longer where we are going as for Brother Joseph when his time comes to go to his wife and he will continue his commencement and receive honor in this commencement among the children of men as an honest man. I like a man to do that which he professed to be. So I think with Brother Joe if there has been anything neglected that would hinder his right to claim her, I know this splendid family will encourage him to do it and the day will come when there will be rejoicing in the kingdom of God, if in this life we only have hope, we are of all creatures the most miserable.
I feel I would like to end my tribute of respect to this family. I love them. I think of the wonderful time when I lived here and I am glad to find my kindred are doing so well and accomplishing so much for the upbuilding of God’s kingdom. The time has been so well occupied I feel it would not be wise to talk longer. We lay in the earth today all that is mortal of Sister Margaret, but her spirit has gone to God that gave it. Goodbye Maggie, your children are here today and they have paid the tribute of respect to your memory. You have left to them a splendid life. God bless them. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
In behalf of Brother Joseph Evans and family I thank you for the respect that has been shown to them in these services this afternoon.
Joseph Evans like his wife has been a useful man in this community and the same can be said of the boys and girls. I know of no family of boys and girls in the community that have been more willing and useful in the community than these boys and girls. God bless them that they may so live that when the reunion comes it will be a happy one. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Cornet and Violin Duet – “Going Home”

By Mr. and Mrs. Max Thomas

Accompanied by Hazel Larson
Choir - 
“Shall We Meet Beyond the River”
Prayer -
David Williams (which follows)
Heavenly Father. We come before Thee at the close of these services. We are thankful for the spirit that has been manifested among us and we ask Thee that that spirit may dwell in the hearts and minds of those assembled today and those called upon to mourn, in the testimonies borne in regard to the life and labor of one of Thy daughters.
In as much as we are about to dispose the remains of this our sister in the cemetery, we pray that Thy spirit may accompany us that no harm may come to us that we may go and return in safety are the blessings we ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Obituaries for Margaret Davis Evans
Mrs. Margaret Davis Evans
Spanish Fork- Mrs. Margaret Davis Evans, 66, lifelong resident of Spanish Fork, and wife of
Joseph J. Evans well-known road contractor, died Friday morning after a lingering illness of more
than a year. She was the daughter of David T. and Mary Williams Davis, early Utah pioneers. She was born May 17, 1867 at Spanish Fork. She was an active worker in the L.D.S. Relief Society, a member of Camp No. 1 of the J. Wylie Thomas chapter of D.U.P., a member of the American Auxiliary unit 68. She is survived by her husband and nine sons and daughters all of whom were at the home when death came: Mrs. L. M. Edison, Hyrum; Mrs. Orville Cummings, Heber City; Mrs. Maggie Richarson; Mrs. Bert E. Thomas, Misses Daisy and Mildred Evans, Joseph D., Lowe and Bud Evans, all of Spanish Fork; 23 grandchilden; one sister, Mrs. G. L. Fail, Provo; two brothers, David W. and William W. Davis, Spanish Fork Friends may call at the family home until time for the services which will be held Monday at 2 p.m. in the First Ward L.D.S. chapel with Bishop Arthur T. McKell in charge. Interment will be in the Spanish Fork City cemetery.
--Deseret News - Saturday May 20, 1933
Mrs. Margaret Davis Evans
Spanish Fork- Mrs. Margaret Davis Evans, 66, wife of Joseph J. Evans, local road contractor, died
Friday morning at the family residence after an illness of one year. She was a daughter of David T. and Mary Williams Davis, and was born here May 17, 1867. She had always lived here. She was active in the Relief Society, and was also a member of Camp No. 1 of the J. Wylie Thomas chapter Daughters of Utah Pioneers, and a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She is survived by her husband and nine sons and daughters: Mrs. Maggie Richardson, Mrs. Bert E. Thomas, Daisy, Mildred, Joseph D., Lowe, and Bud Evans, Spanish Fork; Mrs. L. M. Edison, Hyrum, and Mrs. Orville Cummings, Heber; 22 grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. G. L. Fail, Provo, and two brothers; David W. and William W. Davis, Spanish Fork. Funeral services will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. in the L.D.S. First ward chapel Internment will be in the Spanish Fork City cemetery, under the direction of the Claudin Funeral Home.
--Salt Lake Tribune - Saturday May 20, 1933
Funeral Services for Mrs. Joseph J. Evans
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Davis Evans were held Monday at the First ward chapel with
Bishop Arthur T. McKell presiding. Music was furnished by the Fifth ward choir, directed by Mrs.
Lola Argyle and Mrs. Harvey Nielson at the organ. The opening selection was, "O My Father." The
invocation was offered by John F. Warner, after which a solo "The House at the End of the Lane," was rendered by Gilbert Y. Johnson. Bishop Marinus Larson was the first speaker, after which Mrs. Evva Blackwood Hyrum, sang a solo, "Out of the Dusk;" President Henry A. Gardner was the second speaker. Ed. Williams sang a solo, "Love Divine." D.T. Lewis was the third speaker and was followed by a vocal solo by Miss Gladys Williams, ''That Wonderful Mother of Mine." Bishop Hyrum Jones of Malad, Idaho, a cousin of Mrs. Evans, made the closing address, after which Bishop McKell spoke briefly in closing. All the speakers paid tribute to the excellent character of Mrs. Evans. The choir sang in closing, "Shall We Meet Beyond the River?" After which Mr. and Mrs. Max Thomas rendered a violin and trumpet duet with Mrs. Hazel Larsen accompanist. David Williams pronounced the benediction.
There was an exceptionally large attendance, the chapel was filled to capacity, many friends
coming from distant towns. Internment was in the Spanish Fork City cemetery, where the grave was dedicated by Munda Geslison.
Mrs. Margaret Davis Evans, wife of Joseph J. Evans of Spanish Fork, died Friday morning at the
family home after an illness of one year. She was the daughter of David T. and Mary Williams Davis. She was born at Spanish Fork, May 17, 1867. She has always lived here. She was an active member of the Relief Society of her ward, and was also a member of Camp No. 1 of the J. Wylie Thomas Chapter of Daughters of Utah Pioneers and a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She is survived by her husband and nine sons and daughters: Mrs. Maggie Richardson, Mrs. Bert E. Thomas, Miss Daisy Evans, Miss Mildred Evans, Joe D., Lowe, and Bud Evans, all of Spanish Fork; Mrs. L. M. Edison, Hyrum, and Mrs. Orville Cummings, Heber; 22 grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. G. L. Fail, Provo, and two brothers, David W. and William W. Davis, of Spanish Fork.
--Spanish Fork Press - May 25, 1933
To see Margaret's death certificate, click here.
To read the autobiographies of Margaret and Joseph Evans, click here.
To read Eunice Richardson's history of the Richardson and Evans families, click here.
To return to the Richardson Family index page, click here.